
Data, privacy & cyber

Where we bring together our legal expertise, insights and experience across cyber security, data privacy and protection and media litigation

Personal data and information compliance

We advise on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data protection compliance, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and help implement practical legal solutions for data collection and disclosure, international data transfers, data subject rights, data sharing and digital marketing.  

Cyber security

We can help you plan for responding to a cyber-incident with our cyber readiness tool, Cyturion. In the event of a data breach our crisis management service takes a central role in ensuring a fully co-ordinated response, including managing the forensic investigations, dealing with regulatory notifications and investigations, advising on compliance issues, providing effective communications, and defending any subsequent litigation. 

Privacy and media litigation

We advise data controllers on a wide range of data privacy related claims and class actions, including in relation to the right to be forgotten, data subject consent and cookies.


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Out-Law / Health

Our latest work

Our advisers act on domestic and international projects of all shapes and sizes, working with many of the leading names in the market. Browse our experience below, or use the filters to look-up recent work in particular geographies and industry sectors.

    Our expertise, at your disposal

    With over 490 partners and 3000 people around the world, we are well-placed to support you across a full range of legal and advisory services.

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