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Vario Flexible Services

Our bench of exceptional freelance lawyers and paralegals is available to support your projects, large or small. We match and place top flexible consultants to the legal challenges modern businesses of today face.

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Our latest work

Our advisers act on domestic and international matters of all shapes and sizes, working with many of the leading names in the market. Browse our experience below, or use the filters to look-up recent work in particular geographies and industry sectors.


    We are the leading global provider of flexible firm-led solutions

    As explained by Pinsent Masons Vario partner Matthew Kay, we place legal professionals into businesses on an assignment basis, including lawyers (newly qualified through to partner level), paralegals and project managers.



    Pinsent Masons Vario's hub of qualified lawyers is exceptional in its breadth and quality.

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    At Pinsent Masons Vario, we recognise the huge value that paralegals deliver, and so we offer a hub of paralegal talent that matches the quality of our freelance lawyers.

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    Our expertise, at your disposal

    With over 490 partners and 3000 people around the world, we are well-placed to support you across a full range of legal and advisory services.

    Vario Community

    Vario Community

    Find out more about our Vario community or begin your journey to a freelance legal career with opportunities at all levels from NQ+ to General Counsel and Partner level.

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