

Our office in Spain advises companies investing and operating domestically and globally. We work alongside colleagues in our offices in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific, as well as a network of preferred law firms across Latin America and those jurisdictions where we do not have an office.

We focus on sectors that are key engines of an economy, such as infrastructure, energy, real estate, healthcare, industry, technology, and financial services. This means we become embedded in our clients’ markets and provide practical legal advice from a commercial point of view regardless of whether the matter is corporate, commercial, financial, labour, and/or tax related.

Innovation is in our DNA, and we constantly invest in technology to stay cutting-edge. We have an award-winning track record for innovation. We invest in developing new solutions that deliver value to our clients’ businesses through improved data, better information sharing, and faster processes.

With a solid foundation in our values of ‘Approachable’, ‘Bold’, and ‘Connected’, our firm is distinguished by its ‘Flexible Work’ and ‘Diversity’ policies, being a benchmark in human resources.

We operate in the following locations:

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Out-Law / Your daily need to know in Saudi Arabia

Our latest work

Our advisers act on domestic and international projects of all shapes and sizes, working with many of the leading names in the market. Browse our experience below, or use the filters to look-up recent work in particular geographies and industry sectors.

    Our expertise, at your disposal

    With over 490 partners and 3000 people around the world, we are well-placed to support you across a full range of legal and advisory services.

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