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The smartest way to manage and enforce your brand


Brand and reputation are vital for successful businesses. If they are mismanaged or damaged it can affect consumer loyalty, market reach and company value.

Alteria reduces the administration burden on you and allows you to focus on what you do best. It lowers your legal spend, while providing brand and reputation management through a single, user-friendly platform.

Alteria supports companies of all types, from startups with one brand name to global firms with complex international brand portfolios. It can be used as a comprehensive solution or as a modular solution to specific problems.



Alteria Portfolio gives you control over the management of your trade marks and designs, allowing you to forecast renewal costs into the future.



Alteria Enforce monitors online infringements and allows you to issue takedowns to online marketplaces, social media platforms and websites at the click of a button.



Alteria Reputation monitors comments about your company, leadership team and employees on social media and allows immediate takedown requests to be filed via the platform.



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