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Alteria: Portfolio


Better brand management, all in one place

Alteria Portfolio presents an immediate geographic overview of your trade mark and design portfolio and offers graphs and statistics which enable you to use key data points to drive your decision-making.

It allows you to access key information about a portfolio and provides an automated renewal process and budgeting forecast.



How will Alteria Portfolio help me?

Alteria Portfolio gives you control over your trade mark and design portfolio. It removes the reliance on lengthy spreadsheets and reduces the day-to-day administrative burden of managing a portfolio - making you more efficient and lowering your legal spend.


How can trade marks and designs be renewed?

Alteria Portfolio will tell you when renewals are due and estimates renewal fees. You tell it which registrations to renew and it instructs our team to act.


How does Alteria Portfolio help manage costs?

It is hard to predict future renewal costs. Alteria Portfolio analyses data to forecast renewal costs 10 years ahead. You can then use this data to help set your budget and, if necessary, make cost-saving decisions.


How much does Alteria Portfolio cost?

If we are working with you on portfolio management, you will have free access to Alteria Portfolio.


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Simple, smart, effective

  • Immediate real-time global view of your trade marks and designs

  • Powerful reporting and business intelligence, with easy reporting

Make data-driven decision-making the gateway to the success of your business




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