Mélissa specialises in international commercial and investment arbitration with a particular focus on infrastructure, construction and energy related disputes. She also regularly provides support to clients in energy and infrastructure projects advising on all phases of a project.

Mélissa is in the construction advisory & disputes (CAD) department at Pinsent Masons Madrid. She has experience advising clients on disputes across a range of sectors including energy, oil and gas, infrastructure, construction, banking and insurance. She has represented private companies, state-owned entities and states in numerous national and international arbitrations under the rules of several institutions (including ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, LCIA, SIAC and SCAI) as well as on ad-hoc arbitrations.

She also has experience pre-arbitration negotiations, courts proceedings related to arbitration and mediation.

Mélissa is qualified to practice law in Spain and France.

Prior to joining Pinsent Masons, Mélissa worked at Herbert Smith Freehills, for more than eight years, in Madrid and Paris.


  • 2012
    University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) - Master’s Degree in International Economic Law
  • 2010
    University of Birmingham (UK) - Certificate of Higher Education in English law
  • 2009
    University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV (France) - Bachelor’s degree in Law and Politic sciences

Out-Law / Insight by Mélissa Sanchez

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