Todd James

James Todd

Senior Associate

James advises UK and international clients, utilities, developers, lenders and investors on all types of transactions in the renewable energy and cleantech sectors, with a particular focus on offshore wind.

James advises clients on all types of transactions in the renewable energy and cleantech sectors, as well as on regulatory matters (including in relation to capacity market and contracts for difference). He was previously legal counsel for the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, where he advised on a number of strategic research and innovation projects in the offshore renewables sector.

He advises all types of clients in the UK (including developers, utilities, funds and lenders) on M&A activity, financings, development and investment framework arrangements and offshore wind joint ventures. He also advises high-profile international clients. Additionally, James has a focus on advising clients on power purchase agreements, including corporate and private wire arrangements.


Out-Law / Insight by James Todd

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