This is a Private Members Bill introduced by Lord Redesdale. This Bill makes provision about the energy rating of residential properties on the market and about energy efficiency and microgeneratio...

(formerly Energy Efficiency and Microgeneration Bill 2006-07)

This is a Private Members Bill introduced by Lord Redesdale. This Bill makes provision about the energy rating of residential properties on the market and about energy efficiency and microgeneration. The Bill provides that all Home Information Packs and marketing materials used to sell a property, should include information about the energy rating of the property. The Bill also provides for amendments to be made to the laws regulating Council Tax and development orders.

Lord Redesdale's Bill also provides that A bank or building society which offers one or more mortgage products in the normal course of its business must provide a facility under which money may be lent, at a reasonable rate of interest, for the installation of an energy efficiency measure or a microgeneration system.

Introduced in December 2006, subsequent amendments have been made but not incorporated into the original version of Bill

As at 22/03/2007: Bill amended in Committee

As at 20/03/2007: Marshalled List of Amendments to be moved in Committee as at 20 March 2007 (Amendment paper)

As at 23/02/2007: Amendments to be moved in Committee as at 23 February 2007. (Amendment paper)

As at 14/12/2006: Bill as introduced to the Lords.

Homepage for Energy Efficiency and Microgeneration Bill on UK Parliament website.

See: OUT-LAW's guide on the Procedure for passing laws in the UK

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