Our panel of experts will explore the dangers of making misleading claims about environmental and other sustainability credentials and how to avoid them, highlighting current activity in the fields of advertising standards, consumer protection, finance and commercial litigation.

They will also provide a practical insight on implementing effective anti-greenwashing policies and procedures.

  • Emilie Jones, Legal Director, an experienced commercial litigator who leads our Litigation and Regulatory practice development team
  • Hayden Morgan, Partner who advises clients on how to meet their sustainability goals, mitigate risk and develop new markets, products and services whilst managing greenwashing risk
  • Angelique Bret, Partner who advises on competition law, consumer protection law and the Competition Market Authority powers in relation to misleading environmental claims
  • Tom Nener, Partner who advises clients on the enforcement and defence of their intellectual property rights and is expert in the Advertising Standards Authority's position on misleading environmental claims.

Event date

13:00 - 14:00 GMT

Pinsent Masons Video
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